Short Cut to the Short List Is an Efficient Way to Find an Agency Relationship
Although memory lane isn’t a physical street, it’s a place in everyone’s hearts once you reach a certain age. But for some, memory lane includes reminiscing about a simpler time in history. Before the days of instantaneous uploading, 24/7 access, dings from texts, beeps from Facebook messages, endless emails and a barrage of unsolicited ones too.
I recently asked a client, “How many unsolicited emails a month do you receive?” He responded adamantly, “500 a month!” I told him he was wrong. He argued saying he definitely gets 500 a month. I finally said, “I bet you get 1,000.” After one month to the day of saving all unsolicited emails, he sent me a note and said, “You win. 938!”
Which is why AAR Partners has turned back the hands of time and decided to go back to 1975. Almost a half-century ago, personal and professional life was a different world. If a marketer wanted to consider a new agency for their advertising needs, they used AAR Partners as a resource to confidentially comb through the agency files, review materials and within a few hours, identify a handful of agencies to talk to for their communications needs. It was a short cut to the short list.
Today we call it the Quick Search. No more reading through a stack of RFIs, going through chemistry meetings, scouring the internet, calling acquaintances for references, reading through unsolicited emails and searching for a needle in a haystack.
CMOs are pressed typically to work with limited time and resources, so adding the responsibility of the inevitable agency review in an intensely changing environment is a complex task to say the least. Through AAR Partners’ Quick Search, a complicated process becomes simple by offering a shortcut to the short list.
AAR Partners works to facilitate change quickly that leaves a positive imprint that outlasts the industry average. Quick Search provides a kickstart to the review process by providing the proper short list of agencies based on a brand’s specific criteria.
Here are three main ways Quick Search helps you move faster:
- A Starting Place- With multiples of thousands of marketing agencies to choose from, the sheer numbers can be overwhelming when beginning a search. A key starting point is sifting through the enormous physical and mental database of trusted agencies and narrowing these down to a list that meets culture, brand needs, and timelines. It’s important not to lose the “human element” when beginning reviews, considering the end goal is a healthy client-agency relationship.
- Reliability- It’s imperative that the agency of choice is a compatible agency. It can be difficult to evaluate an agency’s communication style or innovative flair from an outside perspective. This is where an agency search consultant comes in. Prior to beginning the search, it’s crucial to perform a cultural compatibility assessment to ensure you and your team are finding the best fit for your needs. Using a complete and current perspective of the marketing services and agency landscape, a search consultant will ensure each side is finding a reliable partner through the process.
- Management- By the time daily responsibilities have been completed, most marketers don’t have the time to begin the exhausting agency review process. With a search consultant dedicated to helping narrow down the search to a short list, the search becomes far less extensive and manageable… and much more affordable too!
If you’re interested in assistance through the agency review realm using Quick Search, reach out to AAR Partner’s to find the best fit agency partner for you and your team… Quickly and easily.