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Lisa Colantuono

Lisa Colantuono is the President of AAR Partners. An agency search consultant for over two decades, Lisa is also an avid writer. Lisa has contributed many articles in top industry trades such as Forbes, Huffington Post, Advertising Age, Adweek and HubSpot Blogs’ Agency Post. Recently, Lisa entered the world of publishing with her book, @AARLisa: New Biz in 140 characters (or Less), written for the on-the-go new business exec that needs cut-to-the-chase insights to nail new business wins again and again. Lisa is also part of the industry speaking circuit, presenting at national conferences including 4A’s Transformation Conference, AAF Admerica National Conference, BOLO, HOW Design Live, Mirren, and AdAge Small Agency Conference.

In the dynamic realm of brand management, the partnership between your brand and its marketing agency is the cornerstone of success. As markets evolve and consumer preferences shift, periodic evaluations become essential.

Enter the marketing agency client-agency evaluation—a key checkpoint in assessing and optimizing agency performance to align with your brand’s expectations. As market fragmentation continues to diversify consumer preferences, the need for forward-thinking strategies has never been more critical. 

We’ve compiled a checklist to help CMOs succeed as they navigate this complex terrain. Let’s take a look! 

In the intricate landscape of marketing, the concept of human-centricity has often been overshadowed by the traditional B2B-B2C tactics, failing to recognize the fundamental truth that all interactions, at their core, are inherently human. Although the conversation revolving around putting the human touch back into an AI-driven, ROI-driven world is hardly new, it’s more relevant than ever.  Sadie Thoma, the Director of Americas Ads Marketing at Google was quite clear at the ANA/AEF Future of Marketing Leaders Conference this past February, “You’re the marketer and AI is just the enabler.  We need humans to build deep customer relationships and trust is the new currency.”

The US Open is one of the top NYC events each year bringing revenue in excess of $350,000,000! Although the pandemic has put a damper on the 2020 tournament (and its revenue), fans are still soaking in some exciting moments unfold while being broadcast in living rooms around the world.

Advertising, we have a problem.

The agency industry is unlike any other. People in other industries don’t provide their would-be clients with “spec work” for free. So why are agencies expected to think for free when pitching for a new account? It’s a topic that strikes a chord throughout the industry with an ongoing debate over the question of should agencies be paid to pitch?