In a recent study by Forbes Insights and The Trade Desk, 42% of CMOs identified customer experience as one of their top three challenges, and 36% said improving customer experience is their primary mandate for 2019. Today’s marketers are faced with fragmented media consumption habits, marketing-savvy consumers, and social and political divides at every turn. So, brands have much to gain by strategically balancing their focus (and budget) between customer acquisition and customer retention.
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Marc Paulenich
Marc Paulenich, Chief Operating Officer | Senior Vice President, Strategy at Hart. Hart is an independent, full-service marketing firm with offices in Toledo and Columbus, Ohio. True to our founding principles, for more than 50 years the agency has integrated unique talents and perspectives to create a client-first mentality. Today, Hart’s thinkers, creatives and builders have expertise spanning strategy development, advertising, media services, video production, digital marketing, public relations and content marketing.