5 Thoughts to Consider When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency
The process of finding the right agency can be complex and time-consuming, as a universe of potential agencies must be filtered down to find the right partner based on various criteria.Layer on the fact that when searching for a digital agency with social media expertise, the process just got more complicated. Why? The digital space is forever changing and what we know today is typically outdated tomorrow. The proliferation of mobile media is overwhelming. In addition, the complexities of search, mobile, video and social require total integration and should also be integrated with traditional media creating a “tradigital” communications solution.
To make the search even more complicated, not all general agencies have the necessary digital insights, tools, and capabilities. Furthermore, not all digital agencies have the specialized expertise necessary that brands may require. As a result, multiple digital agencies may be necessary in order to go from the digitally connected experience to consumer transactions.
When searching for a digital agency some vital questions to keep in mind are:
- Is the digital agency capable of creating an engaging, interactive user experience?
- Can the digital agency design an impactful product display?
- Does the digital agency have the capability of designing a user interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate?
- Does the digital agency create simple and intuitive experiences?
- Does the digital agency have strong CRM and analytical expertise offering insights?
While there are certainly many questions to consider and many mistakes to be avoided when conducting a digital agency review, mutually successful relationships that endure are those composed of compatible individuals and talented teams with innovative insights that monitor trends, staying ahead of the curve, predict cultural bursts, drive results, and exceed expectations.
For more information on how AAR Partners could potentially help you with your potential agency review, please email Lisa Colantuono at Lisa@aarpartners.com to schedule a confidential conversation and let us help you find an enduring and successful digital agency partnership.
Tags: Agency Search