There is a new method of getting the proverbial message to the right person at the right time. Google, Bing, Facebook, and others have shifted their ad-serving logic to incorporate AI into their decision-making processes for which ad is best served to an individual. This new functionality means a reformation of best practice strategies is in order. And these new practices are starkly in contrast to long-standing successful tactics. So, some relearning is in order to kickstart your campaigns for growth and ROI.
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Tim Daly
Tim Daly is the founder of Vincodo and oversees client strategy and marketing operations. He has 20+ years of direct marketing and internet experience where he has served Fortune 500 companies both on the agency and client side. A highly sought speaker at industry conferences, Daly is recognized as an expert in Search Engine Marketing, especially for influencing Google’s algorithm changes while crafting unique strategies that produce significant improvements for his clients.