Lisa Colantuono discusses new business as a panelist at the AdAge Agency Small Business Conference. August 3, 2015
“The most important thing to think about is getting invited to the next meeting.” New business insights from Lisa Colantuono. May 25, 2015
AAR’s President is quoted in DigiDay as agency search consultants feel the pressure to change with the times. May 14, 2015
Can this theatrical technique improve marketing? Lisa Colantuono explains to Forbes that it can. December 1, 2014
At the 2014 conference, Lisa Colantuono talked about how agencies need to be “always on” in a relationship to ensure success. May 20, 2014
Lisa Colantuono Published in StoryBranding: Creating Stand-Out Brands Through The Power of Story February 24, 2014
Lisa Colantuono explains why CMOs key marketing goal should be shifting brands from nouns to verbs. November 6, 2013